Original join CheltenhamZero to help reduce carbon emissions in Cheltenham before 2030

Cheltenham’s businesses, community groups and public sector are coming together to help reduce and offset the town's carbon emissions as part of an innovative new partnership.

Vision 21 and Cheltenham Borough Council have formed the CheltenhamZero Partnership to help lead the charge to reach net zero by 2030, and Original have joined in partnership to become involved in projects covering all aspects of environmental policy, including transport, waste reduction, energy generation, conservation and efficiency, biodiversity and consumption of goods and services.

Original are proud to be a member of CheltenhamZero Partnership and signatories of the CheltenhamZero Agreement, as it underpins our purpose and mission which is to engage communities consistent with the distinctive story of their Place, and to inspire and co-create healthy stakeholder ecosystems engaged toward a shared common purpose: the regeneration of our local economies through Digital Transformation.

The CheltenhamZero Agreement:-

Members of CheltenhamZero have all signed up to this agreement:

We recognise the climate emergency and acknowledge the unacceptable risks it poses globally and also locally to the future of our environment, our livelihoods, our homes and our town. By joining CheltenhamZero we commit to tackling the climate emergency head on, doing our part within our organisations and working collaboratively to support the shift to net zero emissions as a town by the year 2030. 

  • How will we achieve this?

Through the creation of a commonwealth of shared knowledge, and the co-ordinated actions of Cheltenham’s public services, local businesses and community groups, all working together in a spirit of collaboration and co-operation.

Find out more here: (external links) - Public participation platform of CheltenhamZero | CitizenLab


Original Accounts